Saturday, August 3, 2013

So real busy lately

I left my volunteer project and headed to Cairns! The volunteer project was awesome, I loved my team leader Fiona she was from New Zealand. Our last night we went out to a really nice chocolate place downtown and I had some yummy dark chocolate fondue :). It was a great goodbye meal to half my team. Only 4 out of the 8 people I was with the past two weeks joined me on the adventure tour. So I did a little bit of traveling. Qantas airlines is SO NICE! they provide meals on like every flight that really aren't that bad. And the movie selection is AWESOME. I got to watch the great Gatsby on my flight from Sydney to Cairns. So more recently I arrived in Cairns and I'm staying at a SUPER COOL hostel called Gilligan's. Its got a club, and like 900 beds throughout. Cairns is basically just a big tourist destination so there's ALOT of stuff to do. Today I signed up to go on Monday in the rainforest to bungee jump for the first time! I'm so excited. But I've met a lot more cool people here on the adventure tour. There's about 45 people in our group. The other volunteer groups from different projects all joined together. I got here yesterday and im staying in a room with 7 other girls. Real hectic. but a lot of fun :). But yeah today we went and visited the Aboriginal park here. It was really cool learning about their culture. They actually have a language that was almost dead. There was only one person in Australia that could speak their language. They revived their culture with this park though so it was really cool to learn about it. We had a couple presentations where they spoke their language and told us about their creation story. I also go to throw a boomerang for the first time and a spear! It was super fun. The boomerang almost hit me in the shin though.. We also got to hear a bunch of didgeridoo's played :). That was cool to hear it being played. After the park though we loaded our GYNORMOUS bus back to the hostel for lunch. Had a meat pie for the first time! And then we were on our way to a small company called "Reef Teach". They had a slideshow/ lecture dealio to teach us about the different species we will be seeing on the reef tomorrow! I was really excited about that. I walked in there with all smiles and sat directly front row and center. took notes and everything. Its really great that they do that because that gave us suggestions for things to watch out for and special things to interact with the reef while were there tomorrow. I'm SO EXCITED FOR THE REEF TOMORROW! its like a dream come true, literally. SO EXCITED!!! All the people I've met so far are super cool to :). Im having a wonderful time. But I do really miss home a lot. Not being able to contact home when I feel the need to has been rough as well. But here in gilligans I have wifi whenever im here so this next couple days while im here ill be able to blog. But the next couple days are JAM PACKED! tomorrow is the reef day then the next day is bungee jumping, then white water rafting the Tully river. Grade 4.45 rapids. Then the next day we have an exciting $35 pub cral around Cairns. This adventure tour is going to be so great im so happy that I've started such an awesome two weeks!!!! But that's about it for today. I know its a lot to take in! but ill be able to update it tomorrow night to cause the wifi here is pretty sick!

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